You may have read in 'The Beacon' or seen advertised on the Church House website, that Ron Andrews of South Tawton has an exhibition of 'conceptual art' running at Church House until 15th June 10am - 4pm.
I went along to takes some photos for the Church House website and, to be honest, having read the publicity, I was prepared for something rather pretentious. Having met and talked with Ron, I now know that he is far from that but rather is a very nice, gentle and sincere person trying to use his art to say something about the way we live today, as a result of industrialisation.
I asked him to write me a few words to go with these photos and this is what he wrote:
"The exhibition is an art installation that makes reference to the early dairy school and the presence of dairy maids in Church House, representative of groups of labour and class, that have now been replaced by a multitude of homogenised categories of people and products. Flowers and their packaging have an incongruous but related presence and a 16mm film depicting early science and agriculture provides atmosphere. "
I have tried to capture the essence of Ron's exhibition, but do go along and see it for yourself if you can.